Please take time to read and understand the following rules to help us all stay safe.
Entry is by booking in advance only—no turning up without a prior booking.
Prospective members
Ensure you have arranged a date for your first visit and arrive at 1800.
For existing members
Each week at 7pm on Thursday evening, we will release a block of tickets for the following Sunday. It’s first come-first-served. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!
How to Book
- Sign into membermojo
- Go to the Your Membership section
- Scroll down to store purchase and choose Visit Store
- Select your entry time and ticket (1 ticket per member)
- Checkout and Pay with PayPal
- Check your email for your email confirmation
Payment is in advance through PayPal. Tickets are £10 per person (concessions: 18-25 years old, full-time students and unemployed £7).
One ticket only per swim member.
You must ensure your membership details are up-to-date on membermojo.
If your booking is successful, you’ll receive an email confirmation. Please bring it with you—either on your mobile or a paper copy.
No ticket – no entry.
Keep to your allotted time—no late admission. try and arrive by 6.30pm
On Entry
Select a changing area so as to avoid overcrowding.
Around the Baths
Do not congregate in the shallow end of the pool.
Do not attend if you’ve symptoms of COVID even if you’ve had a negative COVID test:
A high temperature or fever
New continuous cough
Change in sense of smell or taste
Other cold or flu like symptoms
If you develop symptoms during the evening, inform a member of staff, identify yourself, and leave immediately.
The Reading Room—the big room up the main stairs where the yoga sessions normally run—will be available for self-service tea & coffee.
The following facilities are open:
Swimming pool
Rings & trapezes
Changing rooms & showers
Turkish warm & hot rooms
Saunas & steam rooms
Gym (clothed use only. Induction required if you’ve not previously used the gym—enquire at the pool office to arrange)
Sheets must be worn when going between the Pool/Turkish area and the Reading Room upstairs.
Opening times
In order to avoid overcrowding, please arrive at your allocated time.
The building must be empty by 2115.